Marma Therapy
Your body and mind are in constant communication with the electromagnetic, radiant, chemical, and mechanical energies that create, animate, and surround it.
Sometimes the energetic balance gets disrupted by illness, stress, or environmental disturbance. The flow through the energetic channels can become too fast, too slow, blocked entirely, or uncontained.
Marma therapy is the practice of resolving imbalances and blockages in the flow of cosmic energy through the manipulation of marma points, potent energy centers in the body.
In my practice as a marma therapist, I combine gentle touch, application of aromatic oils, and energy medicine to create a unique and powerful modality of ritual healing.
My client's body becomes the site of the ritual, inviting self-awareness, self-inquiry, self-honesty, self-compassion, self-expression, and mindful interaction with the larger web of life.
I help clients with chronic and auto-immune health challenges, as well as individuals experiencing stress, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, and frustration.
Clients report these types of results from marma therapy:
relief from symptoms of chronic and/or autoimmune disease
faster healing from injury
increased joy, energy, peace, and clarity
improved immune system health
deeper and more restful sleep
improved digestion
decreased menstrual cramps
decrease in pain
increased emotional balance
finding more spaciousness between a stimulus or trigger and one's reaction to it
Marma therapy supports clients to compassionately implement behavioral changes towards their own well-being. By cultivating my clients' own intuition, they become empowered to approach their own choices, boundaries, and behavioral health practices with greater discernment and clarity.
I'm especially passionate about sharing marma therapy with people drawn to an intuitive ritual approach to healing and self-exploration, those who are interested in exploring the nature of consciousness, and exploring themselves as complex multi-layered beings. I'm curious to embark with you on an inquiry into the intersections of body, mind, and environment.
My sessions emphasize preventative health, and include a diagnostic examination as well as time for integration of ritual experiences. You and I will co-create a ritual container that serves your needs. I will respect the truth of your experience of your own unique self. I will always seek consent to touch you and honor your boundaries around touch and application of oils. My approach includes an inquiry into the ways in which larger cultural and ecological un-wellness impacts your personal experiences of health and disease.
My approach to this work draws from my training as an Ayurvedic practitioner, massage therapist, and herbalist, as well as my ongoing training in Sakha shamanic healing. The tradition of marma therapy is found in some lineages of Ayurveda and Siddha medicine, tantra, and South Asian martial arts and has been passed down orally from teacher to student for thousands of years. I am trained to use marma therapy in addressing challenges of the respiratory, digestive, circulatory, immune, reproductive, urinary, endocrine, and nervous systems.
This work happens in person. Please see ritual medicine for healing services that happen at a distance.
Some of my clients are healing from trauma and/or prefer not to be touched. I am happy to work in a way that accommodates these needs. All oils used are organic and ethically sourced; they can be modified or omitted as well.
Marma therapy can complement other forms of treatment. It is suitable for the very young, very old, and immune-suppressed. Mainly I work with humans; occasionally I work with dogs.